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Sherry Key



Art: CANDY MINT MASK by Artist Sherry Key
There weren't any awards given for this show, but this painting was chosen for the EBSQ "Candy Show" and I was honored for it to be shown at "The Chocolate Shoppe" with the other "Candy Show" winners.

Mask "Candy Mint Puffs"-I have to thank another EBSQ artist (Vicky Knowles) for suggesting I incorporate candy into one of the mask that I love doing. Thank you Vicky!

I don't know if you have ever had one of these type of mints but they are light and airy on the inside and have a mild mint flavor.

Now the funny thing is I am not a big mint person, but apparently I like painting them because all four of my entries for the candy show, have mints of some kind. The colors in this mask remind me of Creme Savers which I AM fond of. Hope you enjoy this little bit of whimsy.

Fits into an 12.5" x 10.5" frame with an 8" x 10" opening.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art CANDY MINT MASK

Detail Image for art CANDY MINT MASK


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