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Sherry Key


Amanda In Wonderland

Art: Amanda In Wonderland by Artist Sherry Key
Hand altered photography-Her lips look like a red delicious apple and her eyes are fantastical. Inspired by the Mad Hatter and the Red Queen characters played by Johnny Depp and Helen Bonham Carter in Tim Burton's movie adaptation, "Alice In Wonderland." 
Amanda and I are both avid readers and both fans of fantasy and sci-fi. I was really inspired by the eyes of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. I cropped Amanda's photo and printed it out in black and white. The original photo was on canvas and when it was printed in black and white, it gave it an interesting texture to start with. It's hand colored with pencils and other mixed media.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Amanda In Wonderland


Detail Image for art Amanda In Wonderland

Amanda Makepeace-original photo

Detail Image for art Amanda In Wonderland

Inspired by


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