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Shawn Marie Hardy

Eugene, OR USA

Guns In Space

Art: Guns In Space by Artist Shawn Marie Hardy
I created this piece for the Waxing Lyrical exhibit here at EBSQ and chose Roy Zimmerman's satirical song "Guns in Space" for a couple reasons. First of all, I'm going to see Roy live on February 14th--what better way to spend Valentine's Day? And second, it fits in perfectly with the kind of art I like to make, with a touch of humor added.

These hideous uniformed aliens are duking it out on some fiery planet in another galaxy ("where there is no air"). They are the "bad guys all over the stratosphere" and they have "American guns in space." If you want to visit these less than human humans, they live on the hill in the upper right corner, just to the right of Saturn.  

Click here for the video


Guns in Space
words and music by Roy Zimmerman
© 2004

Gaze out into the galaxy
Notice anything phallic? See there!
The pride of America is bursting in mid-air

Bad guys all over the stratosphere
Point their missiles right as us — Fear not!
They'll never fire a shot
'Cause they ought to know we got

Guns in space
American guns in space
From there I can see
How easily we
Could come to be
The master race
Of space!

Attacked by some hideous alien
Scary and scaly and not the least mammalian
Would we walk around egg-faced?
No, because we're spaced out
And because we're based out
Where we're certain to blast
His alien asteroid into milky waste!

Some say we're being paranoid
They're just jealous and they're annoyed, or
They just don't like a war for which John Williams does the score

Bad guys all over the universe
Better get ready to croon a verse — from a different tune
They better be sure that they're
Aware of the American Air Force way up where
There is no air!


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