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Art: JimThorpe by Artist Roy S. Alba
This painting is based on Michael Roche's sculpture who did an outstanding job. You can click on Michael Roche's name to learn more about him. I thought for the Man Cave Art series why not add a little color to a beautiful sculpture for 2 dimensional realism. The painting's entitled Jim Thorpe. He was once voted as the greatest athlete of all time. He was an American Indian born in 1888 in Prague, Oklahoma. He played college football at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. That school was established in 1879 and closed in 1918. Thorpe passed away in 1953. Unlike today, playing on carpeted indoor field's, these real men played outdoors in the slop with minimum safety equipment. Since Thorpe was born in Oklahoma let's play an Oklahoma fight song entitled Boomer Sooner by the University of Oklahoma Marching Band.


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