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Art: HMRTMasterfulbuiltinOrange,TX.JPG by Artist Roy S. Alba

This can be better viewed and heard at This was the scene in 1943. You see the Stars & Stripes topping the Union Jack as His Majesty's Rescue Tug Masterful was built during World War II for our best friends and ally the British. This tug was built at Livingston Shipyard in Orange, Texas. The tug is passing by the still standing Rainbow Bridge which is between Orange and Port Arthur, Texas. The bridge crosses the Neches River. This tug was involved in a couple of skirmishes. A German U Boat torpedoed the Dutch merchant vessel Salabanka then the Masterful picked up the 75 survivors. The Masterful also picked up 86 survivors from the ship City of Oran. Sarah Brightman's tunes are too elegant for this scene so I couldn't think of a more fitting tune than the British National Anthymn . However, if you click on the painting of HMRT Masterful above it will take you to a beautiful Sarah Brightman song entitled All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera. I couldn't resist the beautiful melody.


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