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Robin Cruz McGee


Rip 2006 - Holy Carp 2

This piece of art won Member's Mention award in the art exhibit Ripped Off '06

Art: Rip 2006 - Holy Carp 2 by Artist Robin Cruz McGee
This is my entry in Ripped Off! 2006, a rip off of Tracey Green's Carp 2. The work is done in copper in a technique called repousse`. Repousse` is the manipulation of a flat sheet of metal into a three dimensional form using a series of punches and a pitch bowl. Tracey's original drawing was a Chinese brush watercolor ACEO. I like Tracey's brush work and especially this picture. Thanks, Tracey, for inviting me to participate!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Rip 2006 - Holy Carp 2

The piece in close up

Detail Image for art Rip 2006 - Holy Carp 2

TraceyGreen's Carp 2


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