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Moshiur Rahman

Artist's Profile

Even though, having both software engineering and advanced degree in mathematics, I always felt that canvas, paint and brush are a lot closer to my heart than computers and monitors. In 1994, when I painted my first painting without having any formal education in arts or even any knowledge or background in arts and painting I really discovered a satisfied soul within myself since then, I kept doing it without thinking where each of my work pieces would end up.

In the beginning, I had no inspiration and very little influence from other artist’s work. However, as time passed by I am more and more intrigue by works that I see among present day artists. I always look for ideas, techniques, shapes and subjects that are interesting to me and I try to introduce them into my works. I frequently observe my surroundings and try to understand them to put them on canvas to give them a shape, size and color.

One may notice that, puzzles involving numeric numbers, geometric shapes, logic etc has a huge impact in my works and I try to involve them as frequently as it fits the need for one to make the piece more interesting for viewers. My goal is to drag the viewers mind and brain together and leave them into it to make them feel that the viewer is a part of the creation and without their participation this meaningful creation is indeed meaningless without a soul and life in it.

Thanks for the brief visit to this page. I hope you have enjoyed this visit and will return in the near future to view my future works. I welcome all comments and inquire.

Email me at, if my works interest you.

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