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Misty Monster

Idaho USA

Three of Arrows from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot

Art: Three of Arrows from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot by Artist Misty Monster
Meet the Three of Arrows from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot! This is the card of truth. It usually deals with matters of the heart. No matter how painful, this is where the truth comes out. Once you know the truth, you know where you stand. 

Represented by a blue octopus, three arrows pierce the angel's heart. A Fetch has appeared in this angel's time of duress. A Fetch is a familiar who is born out of sorrow not only as a comfort, but also as a reminder to the angel that beauty is born out of grief. Not everyone has a Fetch, and in fact, they don't always appear to the person with the greatest loss. Pain is relative, and each person's Fetch is different. This pug/sea anemone/Cthulhu hybrid character of a Fetch is named Rue. He has appeared to protect her as her heart octopus heart keens.

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