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Mark Satchwill

Commission Information

This artist accepts work by commission. Read below for details.

If you would like to commission a portrait the most important thing I need is a good, clear photograph. The better the photo, the better the job I will be able to do. Pictures taken without a flash are preferable. If you have two or three photos it is always helpful though not essential.

If you wish to commission something more imaginative, like a fantasy painting, then just e-mail me with a few lines about what you are looking for and we can work from there.

Once you have e-mailed or posted me your photos, or we have discussed an idea, I can then do some sketches to plan the painting. I will send them (usually by e-mail or I can post them on the web to be viewed) to you and once you are happy I will paint the finished work. Once you have seen it and are happy with it I will send you a Paypal Invoice (or you can send a cheque if you are in the UK) and once payment is received and cleared the painting can be sent to you.

I offer to work in a variety of sizes, from small 2.5 x 3.5 inch pieces to larger 14 x 18 inch work. Please note I only work in watercolour. Postage prices, of course, depend on the size of the work and it's destination and a price can be given when discussing the commission and before any work is done.

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