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Lisa Thornton Whittaker

Bryan, Ohio USA

Istanbul -Hidden Mosque

Exhibit Entries

Art: Istanbul -Hidden Mosque by Artist Lisa Thornton Whittaker
Why this shot: This is the outside of a little mosque that we happened to find on the roof of a commercial/business building. There was a narrow set of stairs we saw sandwiched between store fronts in Istanbul, and when we followed the stairs up, they brought us to a mosque on the roof. There are 100's of mosques like this through Istanbul, stuffed and stuck in the smallest places so that business persons can run over for one of the 5 prayers during the day. How thishas impacted my current prospective: I've always been impressed with monumental structures, and the fact that the monumental can be inserted so quietly into the "everyday." Process: No real process, except scooting myself around until I had exactly what I wanted in the viewfinder. The dude started walking through right as I snapped the shot. Materials:This was taken with my Minolta on Kodak paper. This photo has not been digitally altered.


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