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Kim Loberg

Hoskins, Nebraska United States

"Stripes" Herschell-Spillman Zebra #1

Art: Stripes Herschell-Spillman Zebra #1 by Artist Kim Loberg

I've been spring cleaning and decided it was time to let some of my artwork find other homes. 'Stripes' zebra is one of my favorite paintings. I loved how the American flag background turned out, the way the Zebra's stripes flow into the flags stripes. He was created when I began my four year journey to achieve my Bachelor of Arts degree and I was still using my then married name. The carousel zebra is the first in a series I was working on. A carousel giraffe was to follow, but got sidelined with college studies. Maybe I'll finish him by the end of May... hopefully, of this year.  ;)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art

"Stripes" Herschell-Spillman Zebra #1

Detail Image for art

"Stripes" Herschell-Spillman Zebra #1

Detail Image for art

"Stripes" Herschell-Spillman Zebra #1


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