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Kim Loberg

Hoskins, Nebraska United States

Bumble Bee Bunnies Visiting Pansy Rabbit - SOLD

Art: Bumble Bee Bunnies Visiting Pansy Rabbit - SOLD by Artist Kim Loberg

Whimsical bumble bee bunnies often visit the pansy rabbits growing in my fantasy garden!

This is another painting that has taken almost two years to complete. I have a habit of sketching compositions on card blanks and canvases, working on them when time permits. At any given time, I can have over 100 little creations waiting patiently in my studio for their finishing touches!

The original "Bumble Bee Bunnies Visiting Pansy Rabbit" will be offered for sale at my eBay store.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Bumble Bee Bunnies Visiting Pansy Rabbit - SOLD

Bumble Bee Bunnies Visiting Pansy Rabbit


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