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Jen Thoman Thurston

Artist's Profile

I live in Arizona, seven miles south of the Grand Canyon. I grew up all over the country, but had always wanted to move back to northern Arizona where I lived for several years as a child. In 1994 I did so. The nearly constant sunshine of Arizona are so much better for me than the gray skies you so often see in Ohio where I lived for many years.

Growing up, my parents read to me frequently and my mind's eye saw wonderful images to go with all those colorful childhood stories. I credit much of my style to this pastime and my artistic mother, who always encouraged my creative side and inspired many a project. I think, unfortuantely, too many of today's children are so media oriented that their creative side is smothered at far too young an age.

I attended Kent State University for a couple of years in the mid 1980's as a graphic design major, but felt stifled in art school and dropped out to better nurture my own ideas and style. I am inspired by things whimsical, mystical and happy. I love femininity and celebrate woman often in my art. Since I am fascinated with facial expressions and the gestures of the human form, I tend toward preferring to concentrate in more figurative art, but also dabble in abstract art that could most likely be more accurately called doodles! I am JUST beginning to get comfortable and come into my own artistic style. I strive to keep improving and finding, through art, ways to express and share what I feel, think and am... right now I lean towards the lighter side of that though. I am not sure if I will someday find it beneficial to explore and express the darker side further, but for now, I feel that I ,and the world, need more positive images to observe! I hope my art brings a smile to your face and good thoughts to your mind.

I enjoy working in a wide variety of mediums, concentrating most often in watercolors, acrylics, color pencil, and polymer or paper clay sculpture. All of these mediums lend themselves well to the "detail freak" in me! People often tell me I put too much time into my pieces; but try as I might, I just can't stop!! It's just me!

I am hoping to have a website soon, and will have a link here at ebsq when I get it together!

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