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Jen Thario

Denver, Colorado USA


Art: JAZZ CONGA DRUM TABLE by Artist Jen Thario
When the jazz men moved out of their rehearsal space down the alley from me, they left 3 old conga drum bases in the dumpster. I brought them to the studio and made them into tables. This one was sanded and refinished with 10 hand painted 'Jazz in the City' scenes and topped with a custom tile mosaic. Before you send me an email to tell me that I ruined a valuable Gon Bops Drum by making it into a table, please realize that I found it in a dumpster in what isn't exactly the best part of town. It was cracked with cigarette burns all over, it had no sound and was about 10 hours away from the compactor truck when I rescued it...

Detail Images

Detail Image for art JAZZ CONGA DRUM TABLE

Detail Image for art JAZZ CONGA DRUM TABLE

Detail Image for art JAZZ CONGA DRUM TABLE


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