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Jen Thario

Denver, Colorado USA

Chicago Blues Conga Drum Table

Art: Chicago Blues Conga Drum Table by Artist Jen Thario
This table is part of a series called 'Recycled Urban Projects' The idea behind the series is to make new use of old objects. To recycle discarded items into an object of art. I found three of these drum bases in the dumpster when the jazz men down the alley moved out of their rehersal space. They had outlived their use as instuments and showed the cracks of their age. The drum has been refinished, hand painted and fit with a 385 piece mosaic top featuring a blues saxaphone player. A hand painted blues scene wraps around the base of the drum between two brushed aluminum bands. At the bottom is a skyline inspired by Chicago landmark buildings, new and old - some long gone. The original hardware was polished and reattached.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Chicago Blues Conga Drum Table

Detail Image for art Chicago Blues Conga Drum Table

Detail Image for art Chicago Blues Conga Drum Table


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