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Jasmine Ann Becket-Griffith

Celebration, Florida usa

Pixie Dogs

This piece of art won Patron's Mention award in the art exhibit Pet Swap '05

Art: Pixie Dogs by Artist Jasmine Ann Becket-Griffith
My entry for the 2005 EBSQ Pet Portrait Swap! I traded with Wendy Feldmann - I painted her three doggies - Juno, Niko & Bosco (and a little fairy for good measure) and she has made me a quilt of my kitties (be sure to check out her entry too!). This is a 20"x16" acrylic painting on canvas - it was a joy to paint. I really don't have much experience painting dogs, but I am very pleased with how it turned out!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Pixie Dogs

Detail Image for art Pixie Dogs

Detail Image for art Pixie Dogs


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