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Hilary Winfield

Commission Information

This artist accepts work by commission. Read below for details.
All requests for commissioned and custom work are welcome, and the process is very simple. If you would like to commission a painting, simply send me an email at, or through the contact feature on the left-hand side of the website home page. Once I receive your email, we will begin to determine the following: * What is the size of the painting that you would like to commission? * Would you like a single panel or multiple panels? * Which style of painting would you like? You can take a look at my portfolio and decide which style or styles you prefer and we can discuss the best style for your painting. * Which colors would you like? * When will you need to receive the artwork? It will take approximately two weeks to create and ship your original artwork. However, variables such as a custom canvas size, which I will need to order, may change the time line somewhat. I can also work with a tighter time line by expediting the shipping, etc. * Pricing will be similar to the existing artwork that you see in my portfolio; I do not charge more for commission work. Before I move forward with creating your painting, I will provide you with the complete pricing, including shipping to your location, and instructions on how to purchase your painting. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

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