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Heather M. Mathieson



This piece of art won Member's Choice award in the art exhibit Lifting the Veil

Art: Divining by Artist Heather M. Mathieson
I decided to submit this painting for "Lifting the Veil". I just finished it for a young High Priest who is a friend of mine.

He is outside at night at full moon, the triple moon represents the Goddess. After casting the circle and a long deep meditation, he projects his psyche to the Goddess to divine where his spiritual path will take him.

As sometimes happens with this form of divination, one can get more information than is asked for, information that is clear through hearing, feelings, inner sight, or just "knowing". From the expression of joy on his face, the information received was very welcome and the light represents the awareness of the Goddess's presence.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Divining

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Divining

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Divining


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