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Michigan U.S.A.

Hope has Wings - Oil Painting

Art: Hope has Wings - Oil Painting by Artist Harlan
This is a very special painting to me. This was painted for my niece, Trish who is battling breast cancer. When she discovered the lump in her breast the cancer had already spread to her lymph nodes and bones. Trish has always been an avid birder. I asked her if she had one photograph of which she was especially proud and she sent me a photo of a Snowy Owl in flight. The lighting on this bird is amazing! I asked her where she had been that she managed to capture such an amazing photograph. The answer is she was under a KFC billboard next to the highway when this owl took flight. A case of the being in the right place at the right time. I'm very proud of my niece! She is handling her illness with considerable grace. Birds and indeed wild life are not my normal subject matter but I wanted to create a piece that would have meaning to both my niece and myself. I especially loved how this bird seems to just defy gravity as if it could just hold itself in midair without effort. A reminder that miracles abound and Hope has Wings!


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