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Fran Caldwell

Artist's Profile

I have been painting for so long, winning my first competition at 14, and still as involved decades later! My work encompasses many subjects - simple folk art, portraits, animals, landscapes, whichever way each day takes me. I cannot settle on one style, one kind of art, which I guess can confuse buyers at first, but ultimately intrigues them, as they wonder what I'll be doing next. My Gran character came to me in Australia, and - despite her travels - keeps popping up on some new adventure. In some ways (not yet physically) she is me, and we share the same foibles and eccentricities, the same somewhat lop-sided but optimistic view of life.

I have lived and worked in Canada, England, Australia, and traveled to many other countries, and I am proud to have attracted many international buyers. Always restless, always ready for change; it explains the variety in my work. 

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