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Eridanus Sellen



Art: DULL WOMAN by Artist Eridanus Sellen
I can't stop painting these~ I use my fingers to create the woamn, this time I etched her out first and them added the red because I used serious amounts of texture. This particular texturing really dulls out the paints if I use them while the texture is still wet. Hence the name dull woman. Though, now that I have taken a picture of her, I will paint a glossy polycrylic thick coating over her that will bring out all the colors again, as well as leave a strong protection for generations to come. I scratched out tracings I had underneath as well. Tons of depth to this painting. Ready to hang, My work is professional, this is my living, and Eridanus STudios is my business. Please don't buy cheap replica's from the copy cat artists. They will never go up in value, and my work will. HAPPY BIDDING!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art DULL WOMAN

Detail Image for art DULL WOMAN


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