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Elizabeth Fiedel

Artist's Profile

Welcome to my profile. You can read a little about me below, or you can skip all that and go right to my work by clicking the "Portfolio" button.

Although my paintings are usually representational, they are really about my exploration of color, contour, and form. They are direct and straightforward, and I would like them to be appreciated for the simple fact that you find pleasure in viewing them.

The content (content being images and artists statement) is the original work of Elizabeth Fiedel and is protected by US and international copyright laws. © copyright Elizabeth Fiedel all rights expressly reserved.


After many years of only wishing I could spend my life just being an artist, I've rather lately circled back to that dream. I named my work space Wrinklegrin Studio as a reference to the fact that I'm so happy to have arrived at a point in my life where I can take up my brushes again and paint!

When I was little, I loved using the tempra paints and watercolors my mother gave me.  The year I won a ribbon at our neighborhood Block Party Art Fair for my tempra painting of "Clown Shapes" clinched it for me!  After that 'lofty achievement', and having loving encouragement from my parents, I expected to spend my life painting beautiful pictures. I would be an ARTIST.  I studied art throughout my formal education. At Eastern Illinois University, I received a talented student scholarship award and earned a B.A. Degree in Studio Art, with concentration in Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking.

After college, my life took a different direction. I got married, had children, and went to work in a bank to help support my family. I shelved my paints and brushes, as there was just not enough time or work space for oil painting. However, the passage of time has allowed me to shift my priorities, and I have taken the opportunity to return to what I really love to do.

Contact and Sales Information:

Many of the items here are available for sale. If you are interested or have a question about an item you can contact me at:


If you prefer, you can visit my shop at Etsy. This is the web address to my Etsy Store:

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EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC