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Dottie Cooper Katz

Henderson, NV USA

Hurricane Frances - Artist's Collection

Art: Hurricane Frances - Artist's Collection by Artist Dottie Cooper Katz
Hurricane Frances Living in Orlando, this was one of the three big storms I sat through as the house rocked and rolled. Yes, I had some damage but I am more blessed than many. Being the artist that I am, of course I had to paint something to remember them by. (Like we could forget). So here is a group that represents a little humor in this tragic span of our lives. These little paintings represent the blowing wind along with the clinking glasses those desperate hours. This idea developed at the end of my brush and here they are. Charley, Frances and Jeanne. (Ivan was so big, I haven't come up with him yet) I hope they help lighten the stress a little in your experiences if you are so lucky as to live in the plywood state of Florida. Yes, I had a blue roof. The title is tongue in cheek. Enjoy! Prints available in my Ebay store

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Hurricane Frances - Artist's Collection

Set of prints

Detail Image for art Hurricane Frances - Artist's Collection


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