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Dianne McGhee

Artist's Profile

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The Mixed Media Glass Art of Dianne McGhee

Today, Phoenix, Arizona is where I call home. Originally a Michigan native, it was there, 21 years ago, that I picked up my first glass cutter and was hooked.

My art is fueled by a need to create. Ever since I was a child I've been drawing and creating art with various textures and materials. I feel this is part of the way I've come upon my unique way of assembling my glass pieces together.

I've always felt like a risk taker and end up taking the path less traveled. I feel this makes me a pioneer in my field where I've tried to lead the way with my art. I constantly strive to be unique in my designs and seldom use patterns. Instead, I prefer to use random cut pieces of glass, utlilzing decorative soldering with different kinds of wires and metals. I feel this gives my work that one-of-a-kind originality that people in this day and age are searching for.

With my art, I hope to touch others in a way that puts a smile on their face, a swing in their step and joy in their heart. I hope exploring my art brings you as much joy as I get by creating it.

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