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Deborah Leger

Artist's Profile

I can sit and write pages on any subject at the drop of a hat, but when it comes to writing about myself, .......

I started out painting in oils years ago, then packed them away one day when my oldest son, then about three, mistakenly smeared oil paint on his skin. I thought I'd take them back out when he was old enough to understand. Trouble was, by then, there was a little brother around. Finally, the time came, about five years ago, to bring the paints out of hiding. But instead of oils, I switched to watercolour paint and have never looked back.

I love the challenge of watercolour, the unpreditability, the difficulty and the inability to really control it. You have to go with the paint, not the other way round!

There isn't, specifically, one type of subject that inspires me. I enjoy painting whatever grabs my inner muse and shouts, "paint me!" And lots does! (What improper English!)

I was born in February, 1958 in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, am a very staunch Canuck and have lived in this area all my life. Hopefully, I won't die here. (My Mom said the very same thing for years before she left for London, Canada! I'm finding that we become our parents in many ways.) Unfortunately, I have to do the day job thing, so sometimes, finding time to paint can be difficult, but often, around 1 or 2 am, my studio light is still burning brightly.

Every time I sit down to paint, I lose myself in the act. May it always be so.

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