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Carolyn Schiffhouer

Clarion, PA USA

Carousel Goat

Art: Carousel Goat by Artist Carolyn Schiffhouer
When they announced the themes for this years exhibits I did not think I would enter the Goat or Chicken Show (or is it Chicken or Goat?) as I had no pictures of either and no way to find them.  My images are always based on photos, so I thought I was not going to enter the show. day when I worked in the co-op gallery I belong to I saw something.  The man who owns the building we are in has a Carousel Horse collection which he houses in the gallery.  They add a lot to the space.  Well, that day when I was walking around I realized......there was a carousel GOAT in among all those horses!  Wow!  So, there was my goat.  I took a picture..loaded it into Photoshop and created this image.  It took many steps because this carousel "horse" was in among several others.  I had to create a good background that worked to separate the goat out.  I added texture layers and basically had a great time working on my goat!  I have entered him in the Chicken or Goat (or is it Goat or Chicken?) Exhibit for the month of March.  I am so happy I found a goat to enter!


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