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Camille Meeker Turner

Joplin,MO USA

tabby 025

Art: tabby 025 by Artist Camille Meeker Turner
Here is a little tabby cat that I'm offering for auction this week.  I first carefully sculpted the little kitty in high quality polymer clay, painted and glossed the tiny details then applied multiple colors of silk fiber one tiny layer at a time.  The striping is done entirely of silk, no paints or markers were used to achieve details with the exception of a small amount of conte' pencil inside and outside of ears and under the eyes to add depth.    This little kitty is cute in a variety of poses!  His/her little whiskers are secure, the tail is gently posable.  This will arrive with a signed, dated and numbered certificate of authenticity that may be verified through the ebsq site.  This would make a great addition to your dollhouse collection.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art tabby 025

tabby 017.JPG

Detail Image for art tabby 025

tabby cat 024.jpg

Detail Image for art tabby 025

tabby cat 033.jpg


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