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C k Agathocleous

Artist's Interview

How long have you been creating?
I started painting and drawing about 8 years ago when my younger brother died of cancer. I had bought him a Bob Ross oil painting kit, at his request, for Christmas. He was too sick by then to use it. My mother gave it back to me when he died in February of 1995. I was pregnant at the time with my second child and was resting at home a few weeks before my due date. The kit was there and I just opened it and started to paint. It was amazing how that felt - so peaceful and exciting at once. I didn't understand how I had gone my whole life up to that moment without painting!
How would you describe your work?
Right now, I paint figures from my imagination with a concentration on line and color. I call it figurative linear expressionism. Last year, I concentrated on painting still life, always from real fruit/melons/foods and objects. The common thread in my work is a strong attention and affection for composition and expressive drawing and color.
What are your motivations for creating?
For me painting is a way of affirming the beauty and good in life despite the fact that someone as wonderful as my brother David could die of cancer at age 26. One of my favorite quotes from Henri Matisse says it best: "Happy are those who sing with all their heart, from the bottoms of their hearts. To find joy in the sky, the trees, the flowers. There are always flowers for those who want to see them." There really are. The good is just as real as the bad in life.
Have you seen any art that has moved you recently?
I have recently discovered the art of Will Barnet. In his work he takes the beauty of the everyday experiences of family, friends, and pets and translates this into universal icons that show us how holy life is. He uses line and flat forms. His composition is exquisite. I adore his work.
What do you find stimulating right now? How does this influence your creative process?
Large shapes arranged into exciting compositions; personal line work; deep, rich, complicated colors; texture.
Read anything good lately?
I am always reading more than one! Here is what I am reading right now: . Anime Manga: how to draw characters for Japanese animation by Christopher Hart . Manga Mania: how to draw Japanese comics by Christopher Hart . Will Barnet by Robert Doty.
How has your return to the figure been after a long stint with still life painting?
Liberating! The year I spent painting from still life taught me so much about light and shadow, color, modeling form and oil painting but the figure has marked my return to line, which I have a very strong affection for.
What would you like your fellow EBSQ artists and collectors to know about you and or your work?
Some people might be surprised to find out that I am a mechanical engineer. I have worked at Ford Motor Company for 10 years. I have two children: a daughter, 10 years old and a son, 8 years old. Since my son was born, I have worked part time at Ford - 3 days a week and the rest of the time I paint! I enjoy very much participating in EBSQ. EBSQ is a wonderful group of people. They offer strong support and a real sense of community. I also enjoy eBay art collectors tremendously. They are a warm group of people who really appreciate art and have their own sense of taste. It's exciting to be able to offer your work directly to the collector and at a price that makes art affordable instead of a privilege for an elite few.

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