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Aria Nadii

Berkeley Springs, WV USA


Art: Padmavarne by Artist Aria Nadii
'Padmavarne': Lakshmi's face is beautiful like a lotus. The most striking feature of the iconography of Lakshmi is her persistent association with the lotus. The meaning of the lotus in relation to Lakshmi refers to purity and spiritual power. Rooted in the mud but blossoming above the water, completely uncontaminated by the mud, the lotus represents spiritual perfection and authority. Ashta Lakshmi are her eight forms which are the commonly worshipped aspects. In each form, she bestows one form of wealth to her devotees. She is however always seen on a lotus. Sri Lakshmi, of all the Hindu deities, best represents the fine balance between prakriti (nature or primordial reality) and purusa (contentless consciousness).

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Detail Image for art Padmavarne

Detail Image for art Padmavarne

Detail Image for art Padmavarne


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