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Amy J.

Maxeys, GA US


Art: Abundance by Artist Amy J.
These are my absolute favorite lampwork beads EVER. They were beautifully crafted by Alexandra Spinglaschell of By The Sea Glass Art and I fell in love with them on sight because they instantly took me back to the autumn when I was five years old in Fayetteville Arkansas, the year my Daddy took me trick or treating at our ONLY neighbor's house, the Hollands, who gave me plums, pears, cherries and apples instead of candy (and when we later moved to an urban area I was totally confused when I got CANDY!), the Halloween Daddy put the Jack O'Lantern on his head in the days when things like that were funny and not scary, the year we went to the fair and I had my first candy apple. I remember every glint of the pyrite in the quartz gravel in our driveway, the sandy colored bricks of the house, the redwood deck on the back. This bead set wrapped it all up and gave me back some of the happiest memories of my life in a form that I can see and touch and show to the world. I can't begin to thank Alex for her talent, her time, her ability to somehow read my mind and create beads like these that reflect my life and the wonderful memories of the places I've been, the people I've known and the things I've done. She is BRILLIANT and wonderful and I am lucky to have found her and I am grateful to call her my friend.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Abundance


Detail Image for art Abundance


Detail Image for art Abundance

Abundance earrings w/1940's 14K opal drops


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