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Art: Watery Repose by Artist Alma Lee
The Queen of Lies
lies in a watery grave
she held to her own fantasy
to it's very end
she would not call and
could not be saved 
To which they cried Amen

Like so many things that lead to trouble, lies are probably the most subtle and sublime. Deception comes in many layers, each one masking the one that went before.  Water Repose is like that, careful beauty can be deceptive, but it is rarely skin deep.

This art was done in Cs6 and Artmatic 5. It is a combination of my own fractals,and digital illustrations.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Watery Repose

2013 woman under water cup1.jpg

Detail Image for art Watery Repose

2013 woman under water cup 2.jpg

Detail Image for art Watery Repose

2013 woman under water cup.jpg


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