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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Puppy Blinds Spot

Art: Puppy Blinds Spot by Artist Alma Lee
Puppy's Blinds spot, is a page torn right from the pages of my book!  Dog's forever at the window where open or shut!
The creation of this piece is a little different approach than I usually take when doing my art.  It started out with a fractal that reminded me of a folded window shade. I brought that into Photoshope cs6 and warped the shade to fit around a dog.  I then printed that out and drew in the dogs with color pencils in the usual way.  I used a dark purple color to accent the folds in the fratal shade.

About this Art:
size: 9x12
Media: mixed
Subject Dog in Blinds

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Puppy Blinds Spot

0912 dog Blinds cup1.jpg

Detail Image for art Puppy Blinds Spot

0912 dog Blinds cup.jpg


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