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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Glory's Call

Art: Glory's Call by Artist Alma Lee
I have decided to open the old archives and revisit some of my earlier works.  Many were never released for one reason or another, most have been reworked, and modernized.  A few have actually, finally been released here.  It is funny how your attitude changes when you revisit  work you have done even 2-3yrs ago.

There is a call like no other, seldom heard midst the clamor of life, it is the cry of Glory as the Macaw open it's beak to sing.  Good News is calling listen for it in stillness, believe in it's coming.  Blue Macaw is a digital illustration of this bird's joy and hope.  It fills him up till he overflows.  His secret you may ask, is he allows it. 

About this Art:
size: 9x13
media: Fine Art Paper
Rendering: Digital Illustration


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