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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Tears Enlighten Thee

Art: Tears Enlighten Thee by Artist Alma Lee
When I cry with tear on my cheeks
The sun will not withhold its light
Nor the moon its worship
laborers never cease their duties
nor children abandon laughter and play
yet with each tear my love and anguish speak
whether heard or muted
the world has changed
And hearts beat simultaneously slower
Each drop falls to enlighten thee
I can not stay and be the same
I will not go till you see
May my tears enlighten thee

This is my better late than never for missed exhibit Hope for those who suffer in April of this year. I too am a lifelong sufferer, and know that the need to acknowledge the pain of one who is in the throws is paramount to the healing process. So many will say I do not understand, and that matters not. Heck even I don't understand but will cry out everyday until you know and acknowledge the struggle ahead and behind me.

Mixed media comprised of decorative papers of indian papers, drawing,with color pencil, ink, graphite and mica (tears). Beautifully finished with polished beeswax.
The original is 12×12″

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Tears Enlighten Thee

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Detail Image for art Tears Enlighten Thee

gustave golden tears cup 1.jpg

Detail Image for art Tears Enlighten Thee

gustave golden tear cup2.jpg


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