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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Delicate Balance

Art: Delicate Balance by Artist Alma Lee

The power of the woman is a delicate balance
just as she sits to take a rest
the family, the dog, the home call her to dance
strangers ask,,"you don’t work outside the home?
They come for her cause she does it best
I do she says in logistics, janitorial, and mechanics’
And the Dairy Queen as I hold a child to my Breast

The power of a Woman is she is not a man,
no more no less her skill lie in another set
And the wise men around her see through her tears
knowing she is a star, not arrived in her quasar yet.

Delicate Balanced was inspired by one of picasso’s early works when he was experimenting with enlarged and elongated limbs and hands on women. There is one pose of his that has been an endless fascination for me (figure on the left) physically improbable but a psychologically personal contortion many women attempt every day of thier lives

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Delicate Balance

Delicate Balance - cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Delicate Balance

Delicate Balance - 1 (cup1).jpg


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