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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Aris-to-Cat (sold)

Art: Aris-to-Cat (sold) by Artist Alma Lee
You can take a kitty out of the jungle, but seldom can you take the jungle out of the kitty. This is a portrait of my cat Yikes. He reigned as royalty and yet much to his chagrin, his dinner came out of a box. So at mealtime, under all his purple robes of dignity, he would disguise himself in the shape of a food bowl, and proceed to hunt and overtake every morsel, affording them little hope of escape. As you can see he was an over achiever! Cubism provides the perfect framework and logic, to this cat's peculiar contortions, along with dark cool blues and purple to reflect his uniquely kingly attitude. About this piece: Size: 11x11 Sub strait: 140 lb Bristol Vellum Media: Color pencil, and marker Style: Modern Cubism, abstract, representational Note: The colored pencil is applied layer upon layer to build up deep, vibrant color saturation an effect similar to the renaissance glazing techniques used by the old masters.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Aris-to-Cat (sold)

...the eye (Detail Aris-to-Cat)


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