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Art of the Day: Thursday February 06, 2014

Tear Vase with Bee (available)

- by Dorothy Edwards

This week's theme: Vases

vase (va:z)
  1. a vessel used as an ornament or for holding cut flowers
  [C17: via French from Latin vas vessel]
 -- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged

Art: Tear Vase with Bee (available) by Artist Dorothy Edwards
This little pink vase was partially painted with glass paints then covered with tempered glass using a resin adhesive. Grout color is a dark red/pink. The shape reminds me of a beehive and I couldn't resist putting a little bee on it.

Contact me directly for purchase. $30 plus shipping ($7.70 est.)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Tear Vase with Bee (available)

Detail Image for art Tear Vase with Bee (available)

Detail Image for art Tear Vase with Bee (available)


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