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Art of the Day: Monday July 09, 2018


- by Camille Meeker Turner

This week's theme: To Have and To Hold

Art comes in all sizes. Most of the time, we think of pieces that can be enjoyed from various points in a space. There are some pieces, however, that are made to be enjoyed in close quarters. This week EBSQ's Art of the Day showcases a variety of art that is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

Art: Tundra by Artist Camille Meeker Turner
This is a commemorative piece that I did for our local Jasper County Sherrif's Dept., Missouri K-9 unit, Tundra, who recently passed away after a battle with cancer, she was just 5 years old.  She was partnered with Cpl. Matt Smith.  She will be sadly missed.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Tundra


Detail Image for art Tundra


Detail Image for art Tundra



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