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Art of the Day: Tuesday September 12, 2006

Weaver Spider

- by Carla Klosowski

This week's theme: Spider Webs

A spider's web. Is there anything more captivating; more ethereal that a spider's web? No matter what media or what approach we use to try and capture it's beauty and it's magic - we never quite succeed. What we produce is never quite right, but it is often beautiful. We never quite snare a spider web's enchanting quality, but we manage to represent them in such a way that the viewer can remember the silken creations they have seen and get a glimpse of the wonder the artist wanted to capture and share.

-Melissa Morton

Art: Weaver Spider by Artist Carla Klosowski
This is an image of a weaver spider from my garden...I decided to enter it into the macro photography show...To get close to one of these spiders is kind of hair raising, as the closer you get they begin to bounce on their web like on a trampoline, warning you to stay back!! So it was quite unnerving to get close to this fellow!


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