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Art of the Day: Thursday October 12, 2017

Three Blackface Sheep, OSWOA, 4x6 inches

- by Judith A Brody

This week's theme: Out To Pasture

pasture (ˈpɑːstʃə)

  1. (Agriculture) land covered with grass or herbage and grazed by or suitable for grazing by livestock
  2. (Agriculture) a specific tract of such land
  3. (Agriculture) the grass or herbage growing on it

  1. (Agriculture) (tr) to cause (livestock) to graze or (of livestock) to graze (a pasture)
[C13: via Old French from Late Latin pāstūra, from pascere to feed]
- Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition

Art: Three Blackface Sheep, OSWOA, 4x6 inches by Artist Judith A Brody


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