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Art of the Day: Thursday December 29, 2016

Lobster Bites for a Crowd

- by Muriel Areno

This week's theme: It's The Holiday Season - Week II

The holiday season is in full swing. People are coming and going. All manner of food is being prepared and happily consumed. Glasses are being lifted by friends and families. We are taking the time to gather together and celebrate the people and moments that give our lives their meaning and joy. No matter what you have planned for the last days of the 2016, take some time to think of the year ahead. As you enjoy the festivities, find a star and make a wish. Wish that the upcoming year holds more compassion, more care and more peace for every soul on this planet we call home. As for resolutions - resolve to help make that wish come true.

Have a happy and prosperous 2017!

Art: Lobster Bites for a Crowd by Artist Muriel Areno
These individual lobster appetizers were waiting for takers at a wedding in Normandy. Not only did they look yummy, but they made an interesting pattern, as did the empty (not for long) champagne flutes behind. The taste turned out to be just as perfect as the combination of colors.

Taken outdoors with a Sony W5 digital camera, natural afternoon light. Slightly cropped.


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