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Art Show: Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show


by Joe Perry

Banner for Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show art show

Art: Stoned by Artist Joe Perry
My two passions, fishing and art, combine to form this creation named "Stoned". A palette knife, heavy body acrylics, a piece of salvaged crate lumber, a bottle of merlot, and a John Mayer cd playing in the background are all elements of this painting.

I wanted to establish a theme of tradition or "history kept alive", making the subject appear fossilized and locked in time, but still show movement and life. The colors were selected to represent land and sea. The merlot colored eye was formed using my index finger, the rest was done with a palette knife. Acrylic on crate wood, 10 x 30, created May 2007.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Stoned

Detail Image for art Stoned

Detail Image for art Stoned


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