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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009

Pretty in Pink

by Daniel Goodwin

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009 art show

Art: Pretty in Pink by Artist Daniel Goodwin
This is a close-up view of a pink hibiscus flower--the flower petals are more delicate than others, resulting in damages from insects and the elements. I looked for a good specimen to take a photo and I call this one "Pretty in Pink". I believe that "Pink" is a calm but delicate color and symbol. Supporting "Pink" also supports breast cancer awareness and the need to fight for a cure. One day, with research breast cancer will be just a word of the past, as we find a cure for this disease that can effect anyone, and has no favorites. Support Breast Cancer research so we can find a cure.


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