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Art Show: EBSQ Biennial: The Spam & Trout Show

Tommy Got Spammed

by Connie Black Foster Bissell

Banner for EBSQ Biennial: The Spam & Trout Show art show

Art: Tommy Got Spammed by Artist Connie Black Foster Bissell
Excited by the arrival of a gift, Tommy was unaware he had been spammed. This piece was created for the Spam & Trout Show and was a lot of fun to do. The ouline of the the trout and the rocks below was burned into the panel first and then painted on 12x12 inch hardboard with acrylic paints, I have used gold inteference for the water to give it that shimmery look that water has.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Tommy Got Spammed

Detail Image for art Tommy Got Spammed

Detail Image for art Tommy Got Spammed


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