Saints - outside of those sanctified by organized religion, exactly just what constitutes a saint can be a little difficult to pin down. We refer to people who do good works or adhere to an admirable code of conduct as saints. (Think Mother Teresa) People who seem to be truly good souls are often called saints. (Think Melanie Wilkes) Then there is the common perception that the saintly are a bit dull. I mean who do you think would throw the better party - Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi? So, what kind of show is Saints? It's a show to explore your take on saints, saintliness and sainthood. Everything is fair game - traditional iconography, the present, the future, characters from fiction and myth or a blend of it all.
Saints is open to all media. Any and all materials may be used to create your entry. As the nature of this theme is subjective and the meaning or intent of a piece may not be readily apparent to the viewer, an artist’s statement is required with every entry. Please be sure to include information that explains what the piece is meant to convey and why you chose to represent your subject in the manner that you did. Slanderous and/or otherwise offensive entries will not be accepted. Any information regarding materials and process is welcome. We also encourage you to include detail shots of your entries. This will allow the viewer to full appreciate your work as small details can be lost in an online environment.
Eligible entries must meet all points of the prospectus. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to