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Art Show: Fourth Annual Ripped Off Show

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 7/1/2004 to 7/31/2004.

Banner for Fourth Annual Ripped Off Show art show


EBSQ's 4th Annual "Ripped Off" event celebrates some good old fashioned American values-- protection for, and value of our creativity by our government, freedom of speech, and most importantly--the pursuit of happiness. This is one of the most enjoyable group efforts of the year, where we let our fellows take our "sacred" creations and poke fun, pun, and in general have a great time. This show is by invitation only, as members work in pairs.

Artists should reference the original artist and the title(s) of the work referenced in their statement.

© 2000-2024 EBSQ, LLC - All rights reserved - Original artists retain all rights
EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC