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Art Show: Rhinoceros

Wild Rhino-Halloween Carousel #4

by Kim Loberg

Banner for Rhinoceros art show

Art: Wild Rhino-Halloween Carousel #4 by Artist Kim Loberg

This is the fourth ACEO art card in a series I've been painting called 'Halloween Carousel.'  (ACEO art cards are wonderful, collectable small pieces of artwork that are the size of baseball cards). The Wild Rhino follows the lead horse, a unicorn that is free from its carousel pole, saddle and other carousel finery. The rhino has a pole and bridal to control it and a bat breast collar for show. A zebra and giraffe come before the rhino, creating a safari theme.

My intent is to create a wildlife carousel, starting with some of Africa's larger animals and working toward animals found in North America. The lead animal on most carousels is a horse, so I chose a unicorn to lead the carousel series because I wanted this collection to be a little whimsical. These animals face clock-wise, much like European carousels. (American carousels rotate counter-clock-wise).


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