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Art Show: Reinterpreting Children’s Art

Thorin's Angel Princess

by Heather Kilgore

Banner for Reinterpreting Children’s Art art show

Art: Thorin's Angel Princess by Artist Heather Kilgore
I absolutely love looking at the works that my children create! There is so much wonder in their minds and their artwork allows me to glimpse a small part of their inner wondrous worlds! This is a reinterpretation of my daughter's drawing of an Angel Princess. She uses the chibi style for her drawings (japanese comic culture much?) She absolutely LOVED the redo of her piece! She was SO well pleased that her work was going to be in mommy's portfolio and even moreso when she found out we would be in a show TOGETHER!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Thorin's Angel Princess

Detail Image for art Thorin's Angel Princess


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