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Art Show: Reinterpreting Children’s Art

Molly & the Snow Princess

by Judith A Brody

Banner for Reinterpreting Children’s Art art show

Art: Molly & the Snow Princess by Artist Judith A Brody
My grandaughter, Molly, now age 4, for the past year or more has been very involved with the princesses in fairy tales. Her art reflects this interest. I liked this piece in particular because it shows the princess in a tower rather than just standing and looking beautiful. When I enquired, she told me it was a picture of a snow princess. I was immediately inspired to do my own interpretation as I grew up where there was a lot of snow and also a castle with towers. Her tower stands alone, mine is attached to a castle. But in both, there is a princess in the window at the top of the tower. My mixed media included markers, both ink (like Molly's drawing) and acryllic.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Molly & the Snow Princess

Detail Image for art Molly & the Snow Princess

Detail Image for art Molly & the Snow Princess


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