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Art Show: Opposites

Opposition Wars

by Alma Lee

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Art: Opposition Wars by Artist Alma Lee
I don't want to write anything about this piece because other than art I have bowed out of the political fray. It is to ugly, too dirty, too vengeful but most of all it is too LOUD, People are talking in All Caps while everyone response with the mute button. So I have made up my mind to listen and observe and when I feel the need to say something to do so with art...afterall that is my only circle of influence. So that said I will share the words imprinted on this art...and they are not my own but were written by those far wiser than myself and hopefully my art will speak to you in some worthwhile way.

"There is no grievance that is fit object of redress by mob law." Abraham Lincoln

"A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues." Theodore Roosevelt

"Too often We....enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." JFK

And finally the lyrics to one of Beth Harts songs, entitled Mama (does not appear on this art) but plays while I work and has served as a worthy muse in the creation of this art.

"Why hold the won't let you Fly" Beth Hart

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Opposition Wars

Opposition cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Opposition Wars

Opposition cup2.jpg


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